Preparing to Worship

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Glory: The Purpose of Praise". [Watch video]

This past Sunday we introduced some practical ideas about preparing to worship before you arrive on Sunday morning. Here are a few:
1. Spend 15 minutes praying for the service Saturday night or Sunday morning.
2. Arrive early enough to take some time to sit in the auditorium and prepare your heart to worship.
3. Part of that preparation can be to read and meditate on the passage which will be preached on. The Bible passage for the sermon will be listed in the bulletin.
4. Before you leave for the worship service on Sunday morning, sit down with your family to pray for the service. Here are some suggestions to pray for, either with your family or individually:

• The worship leader and worship team
• The video, slide, and audio technicians
• The hospitality team
• Ushers and greeters
• Nursery and children’s workers
• Sunday School teachers
• Visitors
• The ministry of the Word

Is there something that has worked for you, or do you have other ideas that might help others prepare more intentionally for worship? What would you add to the prayer list? I encourage you to respond and share those ideas here. “Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; Sing the glory of His name; Make His praise glorious” (Psalm 66:1-2).