We are Frail, God is Eternal

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Praise for Grace & Mercy". [Watch video]

We are frail, God is eternal. That is the gist of David’s words in Psalm 103:15, 17, “As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, And its place acknowledges it no longer… But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him.”

He is eternal, and does not change, so He is always faithful to His own Character. God is always consistent. We don’t have to wonder whether He has changed His mind or has lost competence in something. Impossible, He is eternal.

Nor will He will ever change in His love for us. His lovingkindness “is from everlasting to everlasting.” You never have to wonder if He still loves you. You never have to worry that He may have changed His mind about you. He knows us completely and loves us in spite of ourselves. His love for us is not dependent on whether or not we are lovable (are you, really?) but on His unchangeable character as a God of love. So His love for us does not go through the typical peaks and valleys of human love. His love remains constant.

Two points of application here: First, this gives us hope. We can always know that even through our love for Him has peaks and valleys, He will never change in His love for us. We can be secure in that hope! Second, we should therefore not place our hope in something other than Him. People, circumstances, governments, etc., all change. We are frail. Why then would we put our hope in other frail creatures above God?