Biblical Counseling at VBC

Biblical counseling is the guided process of applying the wisdom of God to the difficulties in our lives. It acknowledges that the Bible is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate...

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You Are Not Your Trauma

It is no accident that the question of identity is a central battleground in our culture. We have become a people who believe our identity is as malleable as our moods, where the only rules are what we feel will bring us happiness. The trouble with that is, of course,...

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Easter Was Only the Beginning

Easter is a uniquely satisfying holiday. It comes with a sense of finality and accomplishment. Thanksgiving, the 4th of July, and even Christmas are days that mark beginnings. They are memorials to events that were laden with expectation. Easter, on the other hand, celebrates triumph. It marks completion. What the...

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