What is a Life Group?

Life Groups are sermon-based home fellowships made up of 8 to 12 people who meet weekly to pray, share, study, and support one another. We aim to connect people to Christ, the Word, and one another in significant relationships. A trained facilitator leads each group. Meetings are usually 1½-2 hours long and include a time of fellowship and light refreshments.

How Important Are Life Groups?

Life Groups are the primary vehicle of discipleship at Valley Bible Church. While Sundays are our corporate worship time, our weekly Life Groups are where the real ministry of the church takes place. Meeting on a regular basis, time is spent building vital relationships while studying God’s Word. By supporting and sharing with one another in small groups, Valley Bible Church becomes more healthy as a whole and more effective in reaching out to our community.

When and Where Do They Meet?

Life Groups meet on various evenings of the week in homes throughout Spokane Valley and Post Falls. Group members are responsible to arrange childcare for their children unless your group includes it. Nursing newborns are welcome in all groups.

What Will We Study?

The study portion is sermon-based, taken from the previous Sunday’s message. Questions are provided each week for personal study of the passage. These questions should be studied prior to your meeting and will usually take 20 to 30 minutes of preparation. When our groups meet, we roll up our sleeves together to discuss what we’ve learned, share ideas, and get to the heart of how we can use this message in our everyday lives.

Where can I find the Life Group questions?

When Life Groups are in session, Life Group questions are included in each Sunday's bulletin and in the weekly e-newsletter sent on Friday evenings. They are also included as a link under each week's sermon on the Sermons page.

2023 - 2024 SCHEDULE
Fall Session
Sign-ups Begin- August 27
Session Starts - September 17
Session Ends - December 16
Winter Session
Sign-ups Begin- December 31
Session Starts - January 7
Session Ends - March 23
Spring Session
Session Starts - April 7
Session Ends - June 8
Contact Nancy Hodge (Life Groups Administrator) at lifegroups@spokanevbc.org or Ben Doehle (Director of Corporate Worship) at benjamin@spokanevbc.org to get plugged into a group.