Never Let Money Be the Bottom Line

The goal of a Christian counselor is to exhort Christians to apply the Scriptures to everyday situations. Over the years, I have adopted a principle that I often employ. It is a distillation of many Scriptures about money—given to us by Jesus and the apostles, stated in wisdom literature, and...

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The Gospel & Memorial Day

Memorial Day, the last Monday of May, is a day to honor men and women who died in combat while serving our country in the military. Originally called Decoration Day, it was a day set aside to honor the soldiers of the Union army who were killed during the Civil...

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A Badge of Honor

We’ve all been on an airplane, waiting for takeoff, when the flight attendant begins the safety brief. When she gets to the part about oxygen masks, she will say, “If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the...

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Four Questions for the Faithful Servant

On Sunday, we looked at God’s plan for the healthy functioning of the church according to the contributions of each part of the body. As a reminder, hear again the words of Paul: Ephesians 4:11–16 11And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and...

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