Salvation is from the Lord

Chapter 2 of the Book of Jonah is a psalm of thanksgiving to the Lord for His deliverance. Poetically, Jonah recounts his near-death experience when thrown into the sea by pagan sailors. He describes his descent into the abyss of mysterious and deadly waters. When he is just at the...

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My Prayer

As William Shakespeare once penned in the mouth of Juliet Montague, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” How true that felt for us as we said our goodbyes (for now) with all of you at Valley Bible Church. Sorrow as we think about our time apart and all that we will...

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Rejoicing with Manly Firmness

One of my favorite phrases from the Declaration of Independence is found in the fifth of the “Facts” given to support the American departure from the British Crown. In this particular remonstrance, the founders complained that King George had “dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions...

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