• Justice and Grace Don’t Care Who You Are

    We like to have favorites. We have favorite socks, favorite flavors of ice cream, favorite pets, favorite colors, and more. Once we have identified our “favorites,” we usually change our behavior to favor those things. For this reason, God often does things that we have a hard time understanding. God...

  • A Prism or a Lens

    On Sunday we looked at the rainbow of reactions the crowds in Jerusalem had to Christ after His teaching during the Feast of Booths. The responses ranged from acceptance to cynical mockery. They revealed a truth about human nature, a truth that reminds us of how a prism works. When...

  • Shake off the Cobwebs

    This week I approached a locked and darkened nursery to pray. As I entered the room, I had to clear cobwebs from my face that struck me as I walked in. Beloved, these things ought not to be. Several weeks ago, I spoke to you about the importance of the...

  • A Settled Peace in a Chaotic World

    In our world today, we see the power of the crowd. We watch the nightly news in horror at the rioting, looting, destruction, and killing in many major cities. It is no different today than what we see in John 7:19-21. Jesus says to the crowd, "Why do you seek...

  • Don’t Hoard the Bread of Life

    Several weeks into the lockdown, we ran out of flour. We went to the grocery store with a short list of items, and flour was at the top. We found that in addition to toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer, the stores were also out of flour, rice, and...

  • Willing and Able

    If you clicked through to read this article, add a checkmark to your list of decisions made today. Careful though, if you choose to add that checkmark, that decision itself deserves yet another mark. And so on. We make so many decisions every day that it is impossible to be...

  • Storm-Weary

    In John 6:15-21, we see Jesus walking on water in the midst of a storm while his disciples are frantically rowing. Storms or trials in our life can be totally consuming. They sap our physical and emotional strength, and we become singularly focused on the storm in our lives. Sometimes...

  • Mercy and Justice

    There was an aging Hollywood actress, well past her prime, who was having her photo taken for promotional material. She met with the photographer to review his work and was thoroughly outraged. She said, "These photos don't do me justice!" The photographer replied, "Madame, you don't need justice; you need...

  • Race, Reconciliation, and the Realities of the Cross

    That One Time in LA The death of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officers, has drawn the attention of not only our nation, but the world. It ought to draw our attention as well. By every account I’ve seen or heard, this death was inexcusable. For many...

  • Putting Things in Perspective

    When faced with life’s greatest difficulties, we suddenly become very small before God. Any Christian who has had their life rocked by the tragedy of illness, death, relationship, or financial ruin knows this well. God always gives us a divine perspective when the chips are down—if we are willing to...

  • The First and Most Important Field

    On Sunday we looked at the famous call of Christ to invest our lives in the fields of human souls into which we are sent. In these fields we sow and, sometimes, reap. That much is simple. But where to get started? It can be overwhelming, and sometimes guilt-inducing, to...

  • Live-Streaming Worship at Jacob’s Well

    What do you think the Samaritan woman would have thought of live-streaming worship? Of course, she would not have been able to begin to comprehend such an idea. The closest technology of the day to her at that moment was a bucket tied to a rope to let down into...

  • Run Fast Live Fearless

    Run Fast, Live Fearless. I’d never paid much attention to the slogan on my T-shirt before, but as I was going out the door for a run last week, this caught my attention. Okay, it’s just an athletic slogan on a T-shirt and not too profound. But it caught my...

  • Easter Meditations

    Holy week, like so many things lately, seems a little muted this year. The shared thrum of collective anticipation is dampened by the necessities of social distancing that lie like an untimely thick snowfall on the Spring of our cultural touchstones. Yet this is as intended. The hand of God...

  • He Must Increase

    We find ourselves in the midst of an ongoing crisis that seems to have no end in sight, and over which we have no control. But we are not at the mercy of the Coronavirus; nor are we at the mercy of our government and the restrictions placed upon us....

  • The New Normal

    Our world is changing. In fact, right now, it seems to dramatically change daily. The news continually keeps us informed on the Coronavirus. Somehow it feels like I’ve been here before, it was a different time in my life and different circumstances. In September of 2001, I, like millions of...

  • Certainty in Uncertain Times

    “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 The work of the Spirit of God in the new birth is mysterious,...

  • Grace and truth: Peter, Nathanael, and You

    “Familiarity breeds contempt.” We have all experienced this with a person, a place, or a job. You started a job with high hopes and great energy. You thoroughly enjoyed the people you worked with and looked forward to arriving every day. But after years of the same old same old,...

  • Was John the Baptist Elijah or not?

    On Sunday we looked at a verse that would seem to clearly end all discussion on the matter. In John 1:21 we read, “They asked him, ‘What then? Are you Elijah?’ And he said, ‘I am not.’” However, as several studious saints (including some children, I might add) observed, this...

  • Theological Butter

    In the timeless wisdom of that great culinary maven Julia Childs, “With enough butter, anything is good.” This magical ingredient emerges from thin milk as a virtuous solid full of flavor and substance. Flaked cold into a pie crust or melting over fresh bread, butter has earned its place in...