• The Excellence of Right Thinking

    It was 1978, and I was walking out of a college class to my car. I found a note tucked under my windshield with this verse written on it, "Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good...

  • The Joy of Advent

    The Joy Of Advent Ben Orchard The call to rejoice is found so many times in scripture that it’s hard to count them all. From the Old Testament to the end of all things in Revelation, the call for God’s people to rejoice cannot be ignored. No wonder joy is...

  • More Divine Math

    The Apostle Paul masterfully explains justification by faith in Philippians 3:1-11. True righteousness is not based on human achievement but is Christ’s righteousness imparted to us by faith. We have not, and cannot, and will not ever be accepted by trusting in self-effort. Our righteousness is found in Christ alone....

  • Kindred Spirits

    Years ago, my wife roped me into watching the PBS adaptation of the classic Anne of Green Gables. Actually, she didn’t rope me into it; I came along willingly. I admit it wasn't my cup of tea, and only began to watch the series because she was, but soon found...

  • The Carnage of Complaining

    Chapter 2 of Philippians begins with these wise and practical words, “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining...

  • Brazen Humility

    What words come to mind first when you think of humility? Perhaps words such as: quiet, timid, self-deprecating, unassuming, retreating, apologetic, etc.? Likely we would also come up with words referring to the life of Jesus such as: meek, obedient, submissive, kind, and more. Here’s the thing though, I am...

  • The Boundaries of Unity

    It would take an alien from outer space about 4.5 seconds to figure out that our country is deeply divided. Issues that were once small cracks puttied over with common courtesy are now yawning chasms cutting across almost every part of society. Paul’s call to radical unity in Philippians 2...

  • To Live is Christ and to Die is Gain

    In October of 1949, a young, 21-year-old Christian, wise beyond his years, wrote in his journal, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Seven years later, Jim Elliot and four other missionaries were speared to death by warriors from the...

  • Encouraged to Boldness

    And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Philippians 1:14 The last two weeks, I have spoken with three fellow Christians who by doctors have been given only months to live. These are people...

  • A Confident Leap Of Faith

    Our youngest granddaughter Lucy is a typical one-year-old, full of joy, energy, and abandon. On a recent visit, Lucy would climb up on the coffee table, nod her head up and down, and take a flying leap into my arms! She never grew tired of doing this. She had a...

  • As A Team

    If the apostle Paul were an athlete, I think he would be more like Cristiano Ronaldo than Tiger Woods. (Okay, so he wouldn’t be like either of them in a lot of ways, but stick with me for a minute.) Sometimes I think we imagine Paul as the brave evangelist...

  • How To Enjoy Life Without Making Idols

    "You shall have no other gods before me," so says the first commandment in Exodus 20. God comes first in our lives. Nothing is to replace Him in importance and with our affections. This includes money, health, hobbies, even family. But does that mean my hobbies, my job, my relationships...

  • The Fruit That’s Always In Season

    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Every year at this time, I look forward to two of my favorite things: vine-ripened tomatoes and freshly-picked peaches (forgive me if I’ve mentioned this before). But nothing is better! Canned, or frozen peaches...

  • Never More Connected, Never More Alone

    Have you ever played the party game “The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon?”  It’s a game primarily for movie buffs based on the six degrees of separation (the idea that each person on the planet is just six or fewer social connections away from anyone else).  In the game you...

  • Family ReUnion Blog Image

    Family Re-Union

    We recently attended a family reunion in Southeastern Idaho, where about 80 family members were present. There were at least 20 who could not make it. It is fantastic that all of these people are the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of my Mom and Dad. I have five sisters and...

  • Are Church Elders Perfect?

    Are church elders perfect? Uh..no. Just ask my wife. She can make you a list. But doesn’t it seem like the standard of elder qualifications in 1 Timothy and Titus is impossibly high? Here is the list from Titus 1:6-9: 6 If any man is above reproach, the husband of...

  • The Protection Of Prayer

    Praying about big and small things has been an ongoing lesson for me. One of the benefits of prayer is the protection it offers me from making hasty decisions. Many years ago, while we were active duty Navy in Hawaii, I learned once again the necessity of praying about everything....

  • A Prayer For All Seasons

    Sometimes we are at a loss as to what to pray. We may be too emotional, not emotional at all, tired, confused, rebellious, or many other things that bring us to a place where we just don’t have the words. The Lord’s prayer is a prayer for all seasons. Since...

  • 1,000 Small Steps to Glory

    It was almost indistinguishable from a weed yesterday, but it wouldn’t be confused for one today. Weeks have passed since Spring first pulled back the blanket of snow and began to bid the ground to awake. Week by week our family has watched the garden beds as dormant roses, daisies,...

  • What’s Really Important?

    “What’s really important?” That’s an honest question. For us, as believers in Jesus Christ, we should have a quick answer. This should be settled for us because of our understanding of the Scriptures. But, we get distracted. Lately, because of many unforeseen events, I have been distracted but considering this...