• When The Wheels Come Off

    I had a little red wagon as a child. My best friend and I made good use of it. We had a portable lemonade stand in it, we took our toys for rides and used the wagon as an advertisement for a dog-walking service. We were quite the little entrepreneurs!...

  • God’s Blueprint

    “Why do we have so many pillows on our bed? What purpose do they serve? I don’t get it.” My dear husband asked me these questions one morning. I simply replied, “they are decorative, essential, and strategically placed, honey.” This got me thinking about how God gave explicit directions for...

  • Have You Seen God Lately?

    Have you seen God lately? It’s not uncommon to hear people say that they’ve seen God. They usually claim this by some spiritual experience, near-death experience, or vision of some sort. The internet is full of people who say, “I saw God.” Even George Strait has a song called, “I...

  • Commandments and Promises

    In preparing for our latest Northwest Institute of Christian Studies class that covers the Reformation among other things, it has been a treat to read some of what our spiritual heroes in the past have written. Imperfect as they all were, it is still a joy to read words which...

  • Am I An OT Hypocrite?

    Who knew there were so many Old Testament scholars? I was reading an article about political policy and scrolled through the first few comments when I stumbled into a thread of sage experts in Mosaic law. You see, one individual suggested that the Christian worldview might have some perspective on...

  • Our Master In Heaven

    “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven” (Colossians 4:1). Paul is speaking of the treatment of slaves to the Roman-era believers in Colossae. Centuries after the Law was given, slavery was still present. In fact, it was worse than ever....

  • The Great And Powerful One

    The throne room scenes in “The Wizard of Oz” are probably my favorite. After many twists and turns on “The Yellow Brick Road,” Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion finally arrive in the Emerald City. After much ado, they are granted an audience with the Wizard...

  • Not A Good Idea

    “Not a good idea!” Our four-year-old granddaughter hollered breathlessly as her grandpa Ben was spinning her around at top speed on a piece of playground equipment. Her hair was standing straight out behind her, and she was hanging on for dear life! She was warning her grandpa to stop. The...

  • The 4th Estate And The 9th Commandment

    In Europe, tradition holds that every realm is comprised of three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners. Power typically was held by some combination of the clergy and the nobility, and the commoners often found themselves in the position of having little voice in addressing their concerns or...

  • A Country Slathered in More-Having Sauce

    Shakespeare is rightly regarded still as a titan of a playwright. His ability to get at the essence of human nature across such a broad field of genres and characters remains unrivaled. On the subject of greed, two quotes are quite revealing in light of current events. From the play...

  • The Uniqueness of Sexual Sin

    People often say that all sins are equal. The reasoning is that since God is so holy, any sin is an egregious offense against that holiness. Thus, all sins are equal. It is true that each and every sin, whether we think it large or small, is an egregious offense...

  • Holy War and Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

    I want to try to connect two ideas that may seem like unlikely companions. First is the concept of Holy War that we discussed last Sunday in our study of the sixth commandment, and the second is the issue of abortion and the observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday....

  • Why is the Command to Honor Parents so Important?

    “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” Exodus 20:12 Why is the command to honor parents so important? One has also to wonder why this commandment is so prominently placed. By that, we see that...

  • A Keeper

    When I was a toddler, my mother took me shopping. As we were wheeling around the store, I reached out and grabbed a stuffed rabbit. I clung tightly to it, in my little mind it was a keeper, and I wasn’t letting it go. My mother couldn’t pry it out...

  • The 3rd Commandment and a Boar’s Head

    Quick, you are alone on a hill, armed with nothing but a copy of Aristotle, and a giant boar is charging at you. What do you do? While you are strategizing, recall our discussion on Sunday of the 3rd Commandment. We looked at the seriousness of God’s revealed Name and...

  • Misery, Deliverance, and Gratitude

    In 1563, saints in Heidelberg, Germany put together a summary of their beliefs to teach their children. This came to be known as the Heidelberg Catechism. It is divided into three sections: misery, deliverance, and gratitude. It was instructive for me this week to look at how this wonderful teaching...

  • God Came Down

    Tara and I recently returned from an overseas trip. When we left on October 24th, the stores were filled with Halloween candy and decorations. We returned just before Veterans Day, and as we picked up our luggage from the carousel, we were shocked to see the Spokane Airport decked out...

  • Plan B: God’s Plan

    When life throws me off course, I don’t handle it very well. I succumb to my fears and live tense and anxious. Recently our plans took a sharp turn and left me perplexed, frustrated, and even angry. What I thought was going to happen simply vanished. What do I do...

  • The Politics of Grumbling

    It’s that time of year. Nutmeg and cinnamon are coming out of their cupboards, the last maple and cottonwood leaves are falling, frost is creeping into the shadows, and political ads carpet-bomb every imaginable media platform. Sinister voices prompt us to vote for candidate A or candidate B with promises...

  • so whos with me

    So Who’s With Me

    This statement was exuberantly shouted out by our five-year-old granddaughter, Grace when we were discussing a family trip to Disney Land. She suddenly motioned with her arm in the air and asked, “So who’s with me?” I guess she was hoping for a majority vote, or maybe a united front...