The Truth about Self-Love

As a teenager, I had a page from Parade Magazine pinned to my bedroom wall. I was not a believer and had read an article by Erich Fromm about his principles for living. It was a list of thought-provoking quotes by Fromm that somehow resonated with me. God was drawing...

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The Language of Prayer

What is the language of prayer? Is there a specific language to be used in prayer to ensure God hears us? Is it the flowery language of the King James Bible peppered with thees and thous? Is it a specific “prayer language” that is given just to you that no...

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On Rainbows and the Resurrection

In our neck of the woods, we are most likely to see rainbows in the springtime after a long winter. The conditions are just right. The unsettled weather of spring brings intermittent showers and sunshine, often at the same time! One minute the sun is shining; the next, it's raining;...

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The Fifth Cup of Passover

The night before His crucifixion Jesus gathered with His disciples to celebrate the Passover meal. For the disciples, this must have been quite the clash of the familiar and the confusing. They had grown up sharing Passover meals every year for their entire lives, but this meal was different. They...

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Patience, Please!

Patience, as they say, is a virtue. It is a virtue that is spoken of often. The typical tropes of evangelicals are, "Lord, give me patience, and give it to me now." And, "Please be patient with me; God isn't finished with me yet." This bumper sticker theology illustrates how...

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The Excellence of Love-Lived Out

When I was a little girl, a good family friend often invited our family to dinner. This family friend was an excellent cook and not only turned out exquisite meals, but her table was laid with a white tablecloth, crystal, and silver. I was always a bit intimidated by this,...

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Be Grateful For Your Gifts

The gift-giving season is over, but did you get what you asked for and wanted? What about those gifts; you still have them, right? Are you happy with what you received? Are you grateful? Do you utilize them? Or have they already been laid aside in a closet, drawer, the...

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The Spectacular Spirit

Chapters 12-14 of 1 Corinthians are somewhat spectacular. These chapters deal with spiritual gifts in the early church, which were indeed spectacular. The problem in Corinth was that many of these gifts had become a spectacle, a show, a means of calling attention to oneself. However, the essential role of...

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The Best Gift of All

I had been scouring the mall and shops for over a month, looking for the perfect baby doll. You see, my nine-year-old granddaughter, Annabel, was coming for Christmas. Time and time again, I came home disappointed, as I was looking for just the right doll. I grumbled to my husband...

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Christmas Hope

Despair is an ugly word. If you've ever been in despair or tried to console someone in despair, you know the dark, dark void of despair. It becomes a hole from which one cannot escape. There is despair when there is no money to pay the bills or buy food...

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A Prayer of Thanks after Communion

I’m thankful for the opportunity we had this week to spend time reflecting on the meaning and goodness of Communion. There is something moving, and indeed mysterious, about the uniting of the body of Christ in the remembrance of His sacrifice. Moreover, this meal connects us not only with those...

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Diversity Without Divisions

Psalm 145:8-10 The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in lovingkindness. The Lord is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works. All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord, And Your godly ones shall bless You. The familiar words of...

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Gifted and Godly Women

I know of a young pastor in the Midwest who ran into a buzzsaw. The buzzsaw was a woman who was the matriarch of the church. By matriarch, I mean she ran things. Even though there were elders in the church, the woman in question wielded great power, such that...

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Between Laws and Loopholes

Is it actually wrong to eat meat that has been associated with idolatry, or is that just a local cultural tradition we can ignore? Is it sinful to take a brother to civil court, or was that only a suggestion for Corinth? Do we need to follow the instructions of...

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Another Look at Temptation

1 Corinthians 10:13 is perhaps the most recognizable verse in the Bible to help us with the temptation to sin and achieve victory over it. Here’s a simple outline I could have preached, for it uses parallel Scripture to make the same point. So here is another look at temptation...

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Looking for the Positive

There's not much positive to be found in the story of the miserable failure of the Israelites in their wilderness wanderings. Paul's New Testament summary of the account he gives to the Corinthians is a tightly-packed catalog of forty years of failure (1 Corinthians 10:1-11). The new nation of Israel...

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Still Worth Running to Win

I’ve been enjoying staring at this painting of Glacier National Park for a while. Something about the lighting and the composition is compelling. There’s a beckoning to the rays coming from behind the trees. The rocks in the bottom-left balance the shadows on the right. The soaring mountains in the...

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Random Thoughts

The idea of our “Afterthoughts” column is to revisit something from the previous week’s message that we either did not have time to cover or on which we would like to expand. This week, I’d like to offer a few “random thoughts” on this past Sunday. I hope they will...

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Diving for Dutch Pancakes (and the Gospel)

She heard yelling and a commotion from the booth next to the Dutch Cheeseman’s booth where she was working for the weekend. The European Market was in town and booths had been set up right along the waterfront between the city’s main square and the pier, aptly named “Audace” or...

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The Insidious Nature of Idolatry

For the past couple of Sundays, we have been in the text of 1 Corinthians 8. The issue in Corinth was eating meat sacrificed to idols. Perhaps the most difficult interpretive question is this: “What is today’s cultural equivalent to eating meat sacrificed to idols?” There are actual equivalents in parts of...

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