My Prayer

As William Shakespeare once penned in the mouth of Juliet Montague, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” How true that felt for us as we said our goodbyes (for now) with all of you at Valley Bible Church. Sorrow as we think about our time apart and all that we will miss not being present with you and serving alongside of you “in the trenches” there in Spokane Valley but sweet because we know you are all behind us and we felt your love and support in these last days stronger than ever, despite it being difficult. Thank you! Thank you for loving us well even while sending us away to serve the Lord in Trieste. We look forward to seeing what God has in store for the church in Trieste and Valley Bible Church in these coming years! I believe God has great things in store and hope that you do as well.
I said I’d share my poem/prayer with you all in the afterthoughts during my message on Sunday and I should probably follow through. So here you go:
My Prayer
Before You now, I bow my head,

I pray that in life I'll be lead;

To live my life for all it's worth,

To humble myself before men on earth,

To be a man who'd follow You,

To do the things You'd have me do,

To preach Your name in any tongue,

To give You praise in praises sung,

To worship You with all my heart,

To, in Your kingdom, have a part,

To give my life so that some may hear,

To be a light, shining without fear,

To give away all earthly wealth,

And to follow You, unto death itself!


Sempre Avanti!



  1. Frank Crooks says:

    Sweet sorrow – indeed! You and Linda will leave a place in the body at VBC that only you can fill. I am sure that those in Trieste will gain much in the coming years by your ministry and lives as you serve Him! Sempre Avanti ❤️

  2. Newtie says:

    Such a heartfelt poem worth a copy and paste to put in my list to memorize.
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    In God’s love, NM
    See you