The Encouragement of Fellowship

This past Sunday, we were reminded of how important it is to be part of a Life Group. When our group meets after a summer break, we have fun catching up on each other's lives, families, and travels. It takes a while to feel part of a group, to feel a sense of belonging, but it is so worth it.

Trying to do life alone, is lonely and discouraging. Think of times when you were going through something painful. Now, think of a time when a friend came alongside you at just the right moment and offered friendship, encouragement, and prayed with you. Did the load lighten a bit? Did their prayers lift your spirit and give you hope? That hope comes from Christ and the Word of God. Colossians 3:16-17 says, "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." This is a formula for encouragement. When we meet in our Life Groups, we glean so much when we dive into God's Word together. I'm always amazed at how much I learn from others' insights.

I noticed when visiting other countries and participating in worship services and Bible studies that God's methods of encouragement don't change. The music and teaching will be slightly different than what you might be used to, but you will come away just as encouraged and refreshed. Christians gather to worship the one true God all over the world. I've been in situations where I didn't understand the language or what they were singing, but I experienced the camaraderie and fellowship of the saints. The sincerity and joy were contagious.

In some cases, they were in danger of being discovered or arrested. Gathering was a priority at any cost for them. Their faith outweighed their fears. We, on the other hand, have the freedom to gather, and so should make it our priority as well.

I have a sign in our living room that says, “Gather.” I'm only allowed a few signs in our house. I admit I was going a little overboard with signs. I really don't need a sign to tell me to gather, but it is a good reminder that gathering as Christians is not only a good idea but a command.  The early church met in homes for fellowship and teaching of the Word. Many places in the world still meet in homes, especially in countries that are hostile to the Gospel and Christianity.

Life Groups are not just gatherings; they are like mini churches. That rich and deep sense of belonging to a Life Group pays rich dividends. The world is a poor substitute for Christian fellowship and encouragement. Christian fellowship is on a whole different level. It benefits your kids as well. What a beautiful example we reflect to our children when we gather for the encouragement of fellowship!


  1. Reply
    Greg Lancaster says:

    Tara Thankyou for your thoughts on the importance of fellowship and what an encouragement it can be to all of us. Christian fellowship is the best!

  2. Reply
    Leanne says:

    we have experienced so much caring and kindness from our Life Group family this year. In good times and bad they are always there. The love of Christ has been so much comfort as shown through them. ( I wish someone would stop me from putting up signs,)

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