Grace and Love

Many years ago I had to confront my boss. I agonized over it because I had no experience confronting a brother in Christ. But this involved my family, and I knew I had to talk to him. So I prayed. I was a full-time seminary student working two jobs. Neither...

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Reading the Word like a Ridiculous Wrestler

The circle is only 9 meters across. The two wrestlers who tensely shift about one another are not going to run away. They watch for an advantage: the slightest of missteps, a dropped shoulder, an unbalanced stance, a distracted gaze. There it is. An overextension and an exposed torso. The...

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But Wait, There’s More!

The late '90s and early 2000s were the heyday of the infomercial. From deluxe CD compilations to car wash accessories, late-night cable TV was a hymn to the entrepreneurial spirit, and the refrain was that ubiquitous catchphrase, “But wait, there’s more!” It was the critical breadcrumb on the trail from,...

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