Praying As Jesus Prayed

Since the early days of our marriage, we have used a prayer journal as a means of ordering our prayers. When our first son was a toddler, we prayed with him and did our best to teach him how to pray. As is often the case, our example as parents...

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The Language of Prayer

What is the language of prayer? Is there a specific language to be used in prayer to ensure God hears us? Is it the flowery language of the King James Bible peppered with thees and thous? Is it a specific “prayer language” that is given just to you that no...

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The Protection Of Prayer

Praying about big and small things has been an ongoing lesson for me. One of the benefits of prayer is the protection it offers me from making hasty decisions. Many years ago, while we were active duty Navy in Hawaii, I learned once again the necessity of praying about everything....

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A Prayer For All Seasons

Sometimes we are at a loss as to what to pray. We may be too emotional, not emotional at all, tired, confused, rebellious, or many other things that bring us to a place where we just don’t have the words. The Lord’s prayer is a prayer for all seasons. Since...

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And Then There Are The Other Angels

And Then There Are The “Other” Angels

Psalm 91 reveals an incredible truth. Angels are sent by God to watch out for us. A curtain is pulled back to reveal God’s ministering spirits, angels, working on our behalf.     For He will give His angels charge concerning you,     To guard you in all your...

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Down But Not Out

In Psalm 143 we see real struggles from a real man of God. David reveals his intense struggles within himself, with his enemy, and yes, even with his God. Who of us has not cried out to God with such despair and urgency? In Psalm 143:1 David says, “Hear my...

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Prayer in the Park

“Throughout Scripture, in the life of every saint, of God’s own Son, throughout the history of God’s Church, God is, first of all, a prayer-hearing God.”—Andrew Murray, The Ministry of IntercessionIf we learned anything from this year’s Church in the Park, it’s that we have a prayer-hearing God, and, that...

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Pray Or Pay

I was pulling into a parking lot this morning when an older woman in front of me started backing up. I honked to let her know I was directly behind her.  A few minutes later she was behind me, and graciously apologized for nearly backing into me. She told me...

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A Battle Before Us

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Save Now". [Watch video]Where was Satan during Holy week? When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Satan did not turn tail and run. During that week, I believe he marshaled all His demonic forces in an attempt to destroy the...

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