Pray Or Pay

I was pulling into a parking lot this morning when an older woman in front of me started backing up. I honked to let her know I was directly behind her.  A few minutes later she was behind me, and graciously apologized for nearly backing into me. She told me she was distracted. She was so kind and apologetic. I assured her it was fine and told her we all get distracted sometimes. 

Lately I’ve been distracted with worries and concerns. I was talking to my awesome husband this morning about how I had been worrying and paying for it.  He said, “You can either pray or pay.” What a simple but true statement. Praying releases it to God. I wasn’t giving these concerns to God. I was holding them close and paying for it emotionally and physically.

Ecclesiastes 7:14 says:

“When times are good, be happy;
but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
anything about their future.”

God has made both good and difficult days for me. During the good days I need to fill my reserves with His truth. So when the bad days come I have something to pull from. One of my favorite go-to verses is Isaiah 26:3, “The steadfast of mind you will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.” Worrying doesn’t affect the future or change things. Luke 12:25 says, “And which of you by worrying can add a a single hour to his life span?”  

Prayer is the key to keep me from the distraction of worry. Ephesians 6:18 says to pray at all times and with all perseverance. I have to admit I pray more during difficult times. This morning my focus gradually shifted from the distraction of worry to trusting the only true source of peace, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I’m glad that sweet little lady didn’t back into me. This incident set my heart and mind back to where it needed to be. My bumper is still intact and my faith is too!


  1. Monica Braden says:

    How very true. Thank you so much for sharing. Your experience really touched my heart. Thank you again.