Our Purpose
Our goal is to provide Christian women of today opportunities to grow in their relationship with God and to fellowship with one another. We invite women to know God through studying His Word and by experiencing Christian community through fun times of fellowship.
Women's Fitness
Jennifer Morton leads fitness classes at VBC in Room 150 on Mondays at 6:30 pm, Thursdays at 4:45 pm, Fridays at 7 am, and Saturdays at 9 am. For more information, please join the Valley Strong Facebook page.
Women's Retreat 2025
Save the date for the next Women's Retreat, planned for March 21-23, 2025.
Titus 2 Mentoring
Titus 2 Mentoring is committed to following God's gracious mandate for older women to mentor younger women to become more like Christ. Using the book Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt, they offer mentorship training for women who want to nurture, equip, and encourage younger women at VBC in this pursuit.
If you are seeking to be paired up with a mentor, or you would like more information about becoming a mentor, email titus2@spokanevbc.org.
Women's Breakfast
The Women's Breakfast is offered on the third Saturday of the month, October through May, from 9-11 am to women high school age and up. Join us for breakfast, a speaker, discussion and fellowship.
Blanket Makers
This group works together to make quilts to give to those who are in need of comfort and support in the church or the greater Spokane area, as well as to missionaries and mission efforts around the world. They generally meet on the first Saturday and the third Thursday of the month from 9 am to 3 pm. All are welcome, just bring your sewing supplies and a sack lunch! Contact Billie Hersh to learn more.
Planning Team
The VBC Women Planning Team strives to plan activities for women that will provide them with opportunities to grow in their relationship with God and also with other women in our congregation. If you would like to share ideas and help with the planning of upcoming events, please contact Marlene Zeis.
Kitchen Team
The Kitchen Team coordinates, shops, prepares, serves and cleans up for all church-wide meals, potlucks and receptions (such as weddings and memorial services). They will occasionally have work days to organize the kitchen. If you prefer serving behind the scenes with a small group of women, contact Phyllis Morgan.
Women's Bible Studies
Click here to see our current Bible study offerings! If you have any questions regarding upcoming Bible studies, please contact Marlene Zeis.