Don’t Hoard the Bread of Life

Several weeks into the lockdown, we ran out of flour. We went to the grocery store with a short list of items, and flour was at the top. We found that in addition to toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer, the stores were also out of flour, rice, and...

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Willing and Able

If you clicked through to read this article, add a checkmark to your list of decisions made today. Careful though, if you choose to add that checkmark, that decision itself deserves yet another mark. And so on. We make so many decisions every day that it is impossible to be...

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In John 6:15-21, we see Jesus walking on water in the midst of a storm while his disciples are frantically rowing. Storms or trials in our life can be totally consuming. They sap our physical and emotional strength, and we become singularly focused on the storm in our lives. Sometimes...

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