Desperate for God’s Word

In his book, The Wonder of the Word of God, Robert Sumner tells the story of a man in Kansas City who was severely injured in an explosion. He lost his eyesight and both hands. As a new Christian, he was disappointed that He would no longer be able to read the...

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Hold The Line

It is an overused cliché in many period war movies, but it manages to be inspiring enough to endure common reuse. “Hold the line!” barks the military commander as weary soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder and the tenacious enemy surges forward. In the ancient world, holding the line was survival....

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The Window of Prayer

Many years ago, a friend told me an extraordinary story about her father. He lived in a small town in central Idaho. My friend and her three sons were visiting him on a warm summer day. One of her sons happened to be outside his grandfather’s bedroom window and could...

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