In Praise of Godly Women

by Ben & Tara Orchard Shiphrah and Puah. Not particularly memorable names. But they are certainly memorable women for what they did in ancient Egypt by fearing God, standing up to Pharaoh and refusing to kill infants (Exodus 1:15-22). It is well worth noting that God chose women to save...

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Living in the Gaps

For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.Hebrews 2:1 If you’ve ever done any kind of boating, kayaking, rafting, or canoeing, you know that when you come ashore you must secure your craft. You must...

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This Can’t Be Happening!

“This can’t be happening!” This is a statement I’ve said many times to myself over the years when life seems out of control, and there doesn't appear to be any clear answers. God has used many situations in my life to wean me from depending upon my own confidence and...

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The Fading Magic of Christmas

I sit in my favorite chair, feet up, sipping coffee, watching the snow come down, fireplace ablaze. Ah! This is what I love. I love the aroma of coffee early on a cold winter morning. I love the December darkness and stillness of a new day. I love this time...

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Laughter Like a Lion

I was introduced this year to a poem by G. K. Chesterton that is written through the eyes of the Magi. It serves well as a meditation on the incredible humility we must have in approaching the realities of Christmas. For Christ, this world was not safe, but a place...

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It Won’t Always Be This Way

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the news that "Aslan is on the move" was good news, very good news. Why was the news so good? Because the situation was dire. It was winter, and had been winter for a long, long time and "it never got to...

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Joy to the World

"Rejoice always," wrote Paul from a Roman prison. Rejoice is a rich word, meaning, according to a leading Greek lexicon, to be in a state of happiness and wellbeing. For many, this is a fleeting experience encountered rarely, not a reality coming even close to always. As Christmas approaches, and...

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Dad, You Don’t Know Everything

“Dad, you don’t know everything.” I remember hearing this more than once from my kids as they were growing up. As parents, we want to have all the answers — or, at least, appear that we do. When it comes to theology, we often do the same thing. Since God’s...

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Reflecting God’s Light in Marriage

While rummaging through a drawer this week I came across something very special. A few months ago, the pastor and dear friend who married us 37 years ago gave us the hand-typed pages from our wedding ceremony. He started our wedding out with this statement, “The two most important relationships...

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Deep and Wide

Valuing Local Church Investment in View of Global Evangelism Let’s call it the paralysis of empathy. It’s that feeling you get when, for example, you sit down to watch a show on TV and a commercial breaks in with the emaciated form of an impoverished child living in the slums...

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The Hairball of Sin

Psalm 8 is not a long psalm, but a jam-packed psalm that defines the glory and majesty of our Lord. In it we see the heavens, children, animals, birds, man, and fish used to reflect the glory of God.  I was particularly taken with the verse 2, “Out of the...

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Dress Right, Dress!

“If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25 Tara and I recently returned from a trip to Newport, Rhode Island where I began my Navy career. It was quite nostalgic seeing the Chaplain School, King Hall where I lived for two...

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A Teenage Love Song

My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine… So begins one of my favorite hymns of devotion to Jesus. It is a simple and rich hymn that has put words and melody to one of Christianity’s most intimate sentiments for over 140 years. The hymn reached its first...

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The Oddness in ‘The Odyssey’

My oldest son loves stories of knights and dragons, but he drew the line a few nights ago as we read to him the tale of Odysseus and the Cyclops from The Odyssey of Homer. The terrifying one-eyed giant devouring Odysseus’ hapless crewmates brought my son to tears. He couldn’t...

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Meditation on Psalm 139

David’s deep meditation on the attributes of God led him to write Psalm 139. The truths of the psalm are mind-blowing truths about God. But to David, this mini-theological poem was deeply personal and practical. How about taking four days to mediate on the four sections of the Psalm? If...

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Lessons From “The Maintenance Man”

What a remarkable encounter Ben shared with us last Sunday about the maintenance man that blessed him. He was staying at a military base and attending a nearby pastor’s conference. While there he met a remarkable young man that greatly encouraged him. I was captivated by the genuine and authentic...

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What’s in Your Family?

We know well the credit card commercial slogan, “What’s in your wallet?” The idea is that you need the right card, the preferred card, the one that will get you the most—now. But what if we were to ask that question of our families? What’s in your family? Will the...

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Do People Notice?

By Ben & Tara Orchard Do people notice God’s blessings in your life? Do they see that there is something different about you? The way you speak, the way you act, the way you conduct the business of your life? It’s a sobering thought isn’t it, to think, “At any...

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