When God Asks the Ultimate

A few years back I met a fellow chaplain at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. It was one of those times where you just “click” with someone. We were instantly brothers in the Lord and had so much in common. We’ve kept in contact from time to time over the...

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Can God Use Messed Up People?

Can God use messed up people? When I read about Abraham and Sarah, I would have to say, “Yes, He can.” Abraham was a liar and Sarah was spiteful. What a team! God was very patient and gracious with this couple. They weren't exactly model believers. I'm not sure what...

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A Little Slice of Heaven

Last Saturday morning I went for a run. No big deal, except that due to an injury, I hadn’t been able to run at all for about three months. I’ve not been running fast or far, but it has been very satisfying to be on the road again. When I...

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Four Thoughts to Fathom

Experiences are the arena in which worldviews are proved. The lessons learned are then passed forward for the benefit of others. It might be something as small as a friendly warning to watch out for Aunt Gertrude’s mystery meat casserole (for the record, I have no Aunt Gertrude). Or, it...

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Work as it Was Meant to Be

Job got you down? Do you sometimes have to drag yourself out of bed to get ready for work? Are some days at work sheer drudgery? You’re not alone. Everyone has experienced this. We have seen in Genesis 3 that work has become laborious as a result of mankind’s sin.If...

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Deprecans supercertari semel traditae sanctis fidei.Do you know what these words mean? Above is the crest for our newly-formed Northwest Institute of Christian Studies. At the top of the crest is the Latin phrase, which is the motto of the school. Interestingly, we were challenged to these very words by...

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Let the Mountains Sing for Joy

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesis 1:1 Let the rivers clap their hands,Let the mountains sing together for joyBefore the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth;He will judge the world with righteousnessAnd the peoples with equity.Psalm 98:8-9I took the above photo this week...

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Prayer in the Park

“Throughout Scripture, in the life of every saint, of God’s own Son, throughout the history of God’s Church, God is, first of all, a prayer-hearing God.”—Andrew Murray, The Ministry of IntercessionIf we learned anything from this year’s Church in the Park, it’s that we have a prayer-hearing God, and, that...

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Having Eyes to See

Every Sunday I stand before you and see your faces for 40 minutes or more. I see a lot; body language that is sometimes open and sometimes closed. I see facial expressions which reveal a great deal. Some I can read like a book. Others are harder to decipher.There is...

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Pray Or Pay

I was pulling into a parking lot this morning when an older woman in front of me started backing up. I honked to let her know I was directly behind her.  A few minutes later she was behind me, and graciously apologized for nearly backing into me. She told me...

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Staying Alert to Subtle Schemes

Several weeks ago, Tara Orchard wrote about discouragement as an often-overlooked scheme of the enemy. Discouragement can arrive at any time and paralyze our faith. It often comes out of nowhere and catches us off guard. But there are other schemes that can ensnare us if we are not on...

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Thanks, Mom

This day, like so many others in Iraq, was depressing. May 1, 2003 -- I was in the desert with an invading force of Marines. As chaplain of 1,800 people, it was my job to meet spiritual needs.Being in an isolated area, our communication was limited. The only contact with the...

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I Was Duped!

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Battle-Ready". [Watch video]For years, I believed that Jesus died on the cross. But I also believed that if I was a good boy I’d make it to heaven. If I wasn’t, well then. I believed a distorted gospel. At the...

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Where Do We Go From Here?

Our efforts as a church to create an “Easter Advent” paid off. Since Easter is the most important holiday for Christians, we devoted four weeks of preparation in order to give Easter its due, but also to focus on outreach. After all, the reason Jesus came and saved us was so...

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A Battle Before Us

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Save Now". [Watch video]Where was Satan during Holy week? When Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Satan did not turn tail and run. During that week, I believe he marshaled all His demonic forces in an attempt to destroy the...

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Principles of the Harvest

This post is a follow-up message from Caleb Klontz's sermon entitled "Lift Up Your Eyes!" [Watch video] “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?’ Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.”(John 4:35) “The harvest...

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The Power of Testimony

This post is a follow-up message from last week's Missions Sunday sermon entitled "The Heart of the Disciple". [Watch video]“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Revelation 12:11This past...

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Big Lessons From a Little Man

The story of Zaccheus is a well-known favorite, and certainly one of the most often told Sunday School stories. The liability here is that we think of it as just a Sunday School story. Then there’s the song: “Zaccheus was a wee little man and a wee little man was...

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Christ Died to Free the Slaves!

This post is a follow-up message from Pastor Ben's sermon entitled "Slaves & Masters, Part II". [Watch video]One of the fascinating things I learned while studying slavery the last few weeks was the place of Christianity during the Civil War. As a retired Navy Chaplain, I was interested to learn that during...

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