So Who’s With Me

This statement was exuberantly shouted out by our five-year-old granddaughter, Grace when we were discussing a family trip to Disney Land. She suddenly motioned with her arm in the air and asked, “So who’s with me?” I guess she was hoping for a majority vote, or maybe a united front to rally the family troops to go.

In Exodus 14:13 we see Moses rallying the Israelites to be courageous and move forward. Moses tells the people, “Do not be afraid! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today.” God tells Moses, “Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.” It must have been hard for them to move forward, they had been through so much already. I’m sure there were times when they wanted to give up and resign themselves to a life of misery under the Egyptians.

Fast forward to the present day. We are in a world that is crumbling, morally and spiritually. We see the decline of a society that was once based on godly truths and principles, where truth was valued and respected. Now it’s mocked and ridiculed. It’s hard not to feel hopeless when evil has picked up speed and appears to be winning.

Listen to these imperative statements from God in this passage: “Do not fear!” “Tell the sons of Israel to go forward, I am the Lord." Sometimes it’s good to focus on God’s immense power and majesty. We can get swallowed up in the negative rhetoric of our society. Division and anger reign in our government and truth holds little to no value. So what are we to do?

God’s truth never changes. His plans are always perfect, as is His timing. God said, “He will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horseman.” In other words, through the destruction of Pharaoh and his army, God’s power would be displayed. No army or evil plan can thwart God’s purpose. Are you feeling hopeful yet?

I love how this chapter ends. Listen to verse 31, “When Israel saw the great power which the Lord has used against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and His servant Moses.”

Power and majesty belong to the Lord. Nothing about God changes. His truths reign and always will. We need to keep our eyes on Him no matter what. I think God is asking each of us the following question, “So who’s with me?” Our Christian values and beliefs may not always be popular or in the majority, but we can continually move forward, and put our trust in a God who fights for us. He is with us!

“Paul stood up and motioning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and you who fear God listen: The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm He led them out from it.” Acts 13:16-17


  1. Billie Hersh says:

    Good thoughts and insights.

  2. Jeanne Lancaster says:

    I’m in!! Going forward and following our Sovereign God with you!!❤️