Why is the Command to Honor Parents so Important?

“Honor your father and your mother,

that your days may be prolonged in the land

which the Lord your God gives you.”

Exodus 20:12

Why is the command to honor parents so important? One has also to wonder why this commandment is so prominently placed. By that, we see that it comes right after the first four commandments that are all about our relationship with God. The commandment to honor parents is the first of the next six commandments which address our relationship with others. It is right in the middle of the commandments and demonstrates God’s value of marriage and family—to Him, the community of faith, and society.

The command to honor parents looks back to the first four commandments. It also looks forward to the next five. Here are some brief observations:

Looking back to the first four commandments:

• The one who disrespects parents will more likely put self above God.

• The one who disrespects parents will more likely be rebellious toward God.

• The one who disrespects parents will disrespect the name of the Lord.

• The one who disrespects parents will not give God His due in worship and rest.

Looking forward to the next five commandments:

• The one who honors parents will honor life and refrain from murderous acts and thoughts.

• The one who honors parents will respect their own body, that of their spouse and the act of physical lovemaking within marriage.

• The one who honors parents will respect other’s property and not take from others what is not theirs.

• The one who honors parents will respect truth and not be known by falsehood.

• The one who honors parents will respect God’s provision and learn to be content regardless of what others have.

You can see how important family and parenting are to God. We can honor God and others by honoring our parents, or we can bring disgrace to God and family when we disrespect our parents,

Love God, and love others, as Jesus said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ “This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40).