How Quickly Things Change

We thought it would never end, the smoke and the heat. The heat was manageable for a time. The smoke was a bother. But together they became a problem, even unhealthy. Poor air quality coupled with high temperatures really made for a long and uncomfortable stretch of summer. It was...

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And Then There Are The Other Angels

And Then There Are The “Other” Angels

Psalm 91 reveals an incredible truth. Angels are sent by God to watch out for us. A curtain is pulled back to reveal God’s ministering spirits, angels, working on our behalf.     For He will give His angels charge concerning you,     To guard you in all your...

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The Crack in My Driveway

There’s a crack in my driveway. It’s become a bit of a problem because it is causing portions of the driveway to heave, buckle, crumble, and become very uneven. It hasn’t always been this way. In fact, it all started, I’m sure, with a very small crack in the concrete....

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Down But Not Out

In Psalm 143 we see real struggles from a real man of God. David reveals his intense struggles within himself, with his enemy, and yes, even with his God. Who of us has not cried out to God with such despair and urgency? In Psalm 143:1 David says, “Hear my...

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Come Alive

Do you remember the first time you read Shakespeare?  If you are anything like me, that first exposure, with its odd language, odd cadence, and unfamiliar style, left me a bit underwhelmed.  Everyone talked so highly of the Bard and his masterpieces – why did they seem to be so...

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What’s the Point?

It all feels like it was just yesterday. Gathering together to celebrate with our friends. Watching from the balcony as jets buzzed overhead while spraying the three colors of the national flag. Walking down to the main part of town to listen to live music and watch well-orchestrated demonstrations by...

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Sing A New Song

Psalm 96 is truly a worship psalm. The words sing, proclaim, bless, tell, ascribe, worship, say and tremble are all words that require a personal response to God. I am responsible to act on and live these words. I have to chuckle at how I am to sing to the...

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Faith to Keep Flying

Through the small oval window my view is dominated by a slab of aluminum sweeping away from the cylindrical fuselage in which I and several dozen other passengers are suspended in mid-air. This is faith. I am tempted to question how a slender wing can possibly support the weight of...

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That Crazy Uncle

Growing up in a large extended family, we always joked about Uncle Leo. Uncle Leo was a colorful character. At all the family picnics he always had one beer too many. He would ask the same questions over and over again. “What grade are you in this year?” “Have you...

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I Forgot to Remember

Is it just me, or am I the only one to whom God teaches the same lessons over and over again? Sometimes I wonder why I seem to forget important truths God has taught me over time. Then, through a passage read, or re-read, or listening to another person share,...

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The Stubborn Weeds of Sin

The other day I was out sprinkling weed killer on a garden when a lady walked by. She said, “You know that stuff doesn’t really work well.” I replied, “I know but I have to try.” She responded with, “You’re the only one who can dig them out by hand.”...

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God Shed His Grace on Thee?

America is beautiful. Across its vast lands can be found such spectacles of nature and human industry that would make history itself jealous. Our economic successes are legendary, our global prominence is rarely rivaled, our innovations lead the world in numerous fields, and our natural resources seem nearly inexhaustible. The...

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When You Face Opposition

I’ve been in ministry a while now. Over the years I’ve learned a lot. As a young pastor I was pretty idealistic and thought that people would respond to the Bible if it were just accurately taught. I also thought that when there was conflict, that talking things out and...

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Unexpected Encouragement

As we’ve studied the book of John these past few weeks, we saw the disciples as they struggled to understand where Jesus was going and why. We also saw Christ’s love, patience, and encouragement toward them, even in His final hour. He knew what was coming, and still He took...

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On the Death of a Scientist

On March 14th, 2018, a bright light in the intellectual world went out. Stephen Hawking, famed theoretical physicist, passed away at the age of 76. Hawking was a genius with a passion for understanding how physics can inform our understanding of the universe. He was on the cutting edge of...

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Certainly I Will Be With You

“Get out, quit, you’ll never make it.” This is what I heard from my swimming instructor. He was a retired Army drill sergeant turned swimming instructor. It was a chilly morning in the local swimming pool; I was 15 and taking the Red Cross swimming instructor course. Half-way through the...

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In Praise of Godly Women

by Ben & Tara Orchard Shiphrah and Puah. Not particularly memorable names. But they are certainly memorable women for what they did in ancient Egypt by fearing God, standing up to Pharaoh and refusing to kill infants (Exodus 1:15-22). It is well worth noting that God chose women to save...

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Living in the Gaps

For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.Hebrews 2:1 If you’ve ever done any kind of boating, kayaking, rafting, or canoeing, you know that when you come ashore you must secure your craft. You must...

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This Can’t Be Happening!

“This can’t be happening!” This is a statement I’ve said many times to myself over the years when life seems out of control, and there doesn't appear to be any clear answers. God has used many situations in my life to wean me from depending upon my own confidence and...

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